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Aulis Blomostedt is the man who created the Canon 60.

You can watch the Full presentation about Aulis Blomostedt from this link:

The Canon 60 consists of ten mutually harmonized modules. Blomstedt's rare research in Finland aimed at achieving universal harmonious relationships between architecture and industrial building construction.

influenced by the emergence of the Canon 60 system was the Le Corbusier Modulor published in 1943, the ideas of the German faculty teacher Ernst Neufert in Helsinki and his Okmeter system based on his 12.5 cm module.

Blomstedt also considered that the measuring system module should be relative, relative. He began patiently empirically to study the multiplicity of small integers, consisting of series and equivalents. Blomstedt was the starting point for the demand of the ancient Bourne Ensemble, and on the other hand, the practical implementation of the design work: simple and easy calculations. His theories sought to combine body dimensions, arithmetic series of readings, and composite poetry as a tool for architectural use.

In 1954, when introducing a design of an industrial building system, he noted that a continuous series of readings could have the preconditions for a common set of measurements, and suggested the series: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 etc.

In 1957, Blomstedt published an interim study of Module Variation 180 cm in size. In the thesis, human length 180 cm was divided into 60 parts.

Blomstedt decided to take the module 60 as the smallest figure that the integers of the five main interval dividers go equally (octave 1/2, quint 2/3, quart 3/4, big spindle 4/5 and small spindle 5/6) .

The Canon 60 is a relative reading set that can be used to give different units of dimensions: mm, cm, m, inch. The series can also be multiplied and divided by integers without harmony, for example 5x75 = 375. This is an octave shift. Blomstedt bound a series of human length measurements by 3 coefficients (3x60 = 180), i.e. by moving two octaves.

The earliest destination where Blomstedt's modular dimensioning is clearly noticeable is the object of the Finnish artist's club at Tapriola, which was completed in 1954. An example of the use of the Canon 60 series is an exceptionally successful addition to the extension of the Helsinki Workers' College from 1959. The basic number of the building is 36 and the main module is 360 cm. Similarly, Blomstedt used the system in the As.Oy Riistapolku 1 apartment blocks completed in 1959 and the As.Oy Neliko row house in Tapiola, completed in 1962.

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